Friday, November 21, 2014

Making lists, taking breaks

This past week has been the most stressful week so far at school and now that it's over, all I can do is let out a huge sigh of relief and relax.

For now.

It was the busiest week that I have had by far in my time at Point Park. I thought to myself a number of times, "how am I going to do this," and, "I just need to make it to Thursday night." This is an abbreviated list.

A term paper on social stratification and a project outline on Big Brother and privacy in America for sociology due Thursday.
An English research paper on fast food due Wednesday.
A mass comm test Thursday on 50 pages of the book. A multiple choice test where all of answers are correct, but you have to choose the answer which is most correct. It's all a game for this prof.
Research comparing Pitt to PPU for U Life on Wednesday.
A final draft of my official business card due Wednesday night.
A regional sports script for Pioneer Sideline for Tuesday morning.
A national sports script for Daybreak for Wednesday night.
An audition to host Daybreak next semester Thursday evening.

After I got under my covers Thursday night knowing that I could sleep in on Friday and not wake up to a mountain of homework and stress was the best feeling ever. I got the best night of sleep in weeks last night and I'm exhausted.

Going into the week, I knew that I had a lot on my plate. I love making lists. Partially because it's an easy way of seeing everything that I have to accomplish, and mostly because the satisfaction of crossing items off of my to-do list is such a great feeling.

I have a dry-erase calendar board hanging up in my room. I covered the entire Notes section on the left side of the calendar with a list. It broke down into three categories: Before break, during break and after break.

Above was my before break list. It is the smallest list of the three.

When I got to Tuesday night and looked at my list that barely had a dent in it, I was overwhelmed. I had to get so much done on Wednesday alone and I didn't know how I was going to do it. My solution was to simply make another list.

I mapped out my entire day hour by hour. I didn't stop. After I was let out of English class at 2:15, I went straight back to my room to continue my list that I had been chopping away at on and off throughout the day. Mind you, Mondays and Wednesdays are my busiest days of classes.

The next thing I knew, it was 6:00 and I was making progress. I couldn't stop. I had to turn down a couple of my friends' requests to go eat and explore, but they understood.

I outlined the rest of my evening on a timeline with deadlines of the various tasks to complete. It seemed possible this way. Just thinking of everything that I had to do was overwhelming, but looking at the outline made it all seem possible.

Only taking one break at 7:30 to grab food at the Cafe to bring back and eat while I continued to work, I finished everything at 12:45. It was a marathon. 10 1/2 hours of almost non-stop work that seemed impossible.

My music playlist went from Michael Bublé, to the newly released Lifehouse song "Flight" on repeat for an hour, to About A Mile, to Christmas music, to Pentatonix, to Sibelius back to Lifehouse, back to Bublé and so much more. That was interesting.

I learned that no list is too much and nothing is impossible. I can take a break for today before going home as a part of my 10 day Thanksgiving break. I want to go home. I'm ready.

But, as I said, this was the shortest of the three lists.

Sunday I will officially announce the opportunity that I have been anticipating and writing about for the past two months. I was voluntold (yes you read that right) that I will address the congregation at North Street Christian Church Sunday, November 30 to make this announcement. I will wait to put it in writing until the days leading up to it. I don't have that date in mind yet.

My list at home includes another research paper, another sociology paper and project, a mass comm final project and paper and book report. That's the easy part of the list.

It's a lot, but after what I went through this week, I know that nothing is impossible.

I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving with so much anticipation and excitement.
1. I get to see my entire family. I can't wait for that.

My "break" will conclude on Sunday, November 30. That day just has a little significance in my life, considering it's the 19th anniversary of my birth. I'm planning on spending the morning and afternoon with my family and friends in Butler and the evening with my friends here. Every birthday that I've celebrated with friends here has been amazing and some of the most memorable times that I've had here and I can only imagine what my birthday will be like, considering it will also be the day that all of us are reunited after brea.

For now, I can relax. I'm already packed and ready to go home. I'm ready for a break, no matter how abbreviated or how relaxing that break actually is.

Butler, we will soon meet again.

Because, why not?

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